
  1. B Dhina Chantya Danastri : The First Winner of National Polythecnic English Olympic 2019 – Telling Story
  2. Afra Mukhsana Aina Feby : The Runner Up of National Polythecnic English Olympic 2019 – News Casting
  3. Michelle Jocelyn Wang : Best Speaker of National Polytechnic English Olympic (NPEO) 2021
  4. Tyara Nur Fadilla : Best Speaker of National Polytechnic English Olympic (NPEO) 2021
  5. Bagus Dwi Cahyono : Best Speaker of National Polytechnic English Olympic (NPEO) 2021
  6. Michelle Jocelyn Wang: The First Winner of Prompter Contest in ICOSH National English Competition 2022
  7. Kamila Zahwa Fayza: The First Runner Up of Prompter Contest in ICOSH National English Competition 2022
  8. Lulu’ Ricca Maghfiroh: The Champion Story Telling in ICOSH National English Competition 2022
  9. Salsabila Izah Najwa: Juara Harapan 2 dalam Lomba Esai Nasional Mahasiswa 2022
  10. Athaya Zhafiralianty Aushaf: Juara Favorit 1 dalam Lomba Esai Nasional Mahasiswa 2022
  11. Anisah Nur Fahruroh Al Afiyah: The First Winner of Poetry Performance in Encompass English National Competition of Performance, Art, and Social Speaking 2023
  12. Habib Surya F., Reza Pramudito, & Zerlina Putri L.: The First Winner of Feature Video Vlogging in Encompass English National Competition of Performance, Art, and Social Speaking 2023
  13. Raditya Hanantha I. B., Satya Yudha I., & Kamila Zahwa F.,: The Second Winner of Feature Video Vlogging in Encompass English National Competition of Performance, Art, and Social Speaking 2023